Monday, April 26, 2010

God and Babies

I just received the most wonderful gift from God! You know how it is, when you do something that God asks you to do, sometimes even hesitantly, and He just blesses your socks off through the doing? You expect to minister to someone, and you end up receiving the greatest joy from the ministry yourself? That is exactly what God has done with the Baba-Mama club. I just got home from a wonderful morning spent with 5 other mommies, their adorable babies, and the Creator of the whole motley bunch of us! And He was on a roll this morning too! I guess He just hates to quit, when he gets a group of ladies together who sincerely want to hear what He has to say! He was fantastic! We have been spending the first part of our mornings together just chatting and playing with the babies, then reading a portion from the Bible together and discussing what God is saying to us through it, and finally, praying for one another.
Today, however, my friend Ági, who has been helping me arrange things for the group, suggested that it might be nice to go out to the park and enjoy the beautiful spring weather together. Since we would not be able to talk and pray very well, with 5 babies in tow at the park, we decided to skip the chit-chat, get right into the Bible and discussion, and finish our praying in time to go out to the park for a short walk. However, after reading about Abram and the Promised Land, then about the ultimate Promised Land described at the end of Revelation, Ági and the others were not ready to stop. When I asked them if we should stop and pray so that we could still have a short walk, Ági jumped right in and asked if we couldn’t talk some more instead, because it was so very interesting!
I came home with a heart full… full of wonder at our wonderful God… full of love for this little group of mommies and babies who are so open to hearing from their God, even if they don’t yet know Him as such!
Thank you SO much for being part of God’s outreach to these mommies and babies, way over on the other side of the globe. You can’t imagine the difference that your prayers are making. Please keep praying! These mommies and babies are hungry to know this wonderful God and to someday experience His incredible Promised Land! Pray that they would have the courage and faith of Abram, to step out into the unknown, following God wherever He leads, and bringing their whole families along with them!