Thursday, April 28, 2011

A New Church Home

Sam and Lili at the first gathering in the new building

In the 18 and a half years OMS has been working in Hungary,we have never had a building to call ’home’. Not until now that is! God has gracously given us a place that will serve as an OMS office and ministry center, as well as a church home. The building is in a very good location, close to transportation, and in the district where we have done most of our work in recent years. An architect who came from Ireland to look at the building for us, encouraged us that it was a good solid structure and that it was a miraculous buy in any European city. YEAH GOD!

Sunday School in the yard!
The building, however, has been unused for some time, and will need many repairs. While we were able to buy the building outright from funds that had been raised for this purpose, we do not yet have the necessary funds for renovations. Please pray for God’s continued leading. Pray for continued financial provision, and pray especially that God would make this His home. Pray that His Presence would be so real, that everyone who comes through the door would meet Him. Pray that the congregation would feel ’at home’ here, and that our new neighbours would have receptive hearts as God calls them to join Him.

Hungary for more Prayer!

As many of you know, God has been raising up a group of prayer warriors to daily battle on their knees specifically for God’s work here in Hungary. Since October, part of my work has been to mail out weekly prayer requests for the field to this group of dedicated warriors. I cannot tell you how much of a blessing this has become for me, as well as for the whole team. While everyone knows that prayer is important, God has really been hammering the point home. More and more I believe that God’s work here in Hungary will not move forward even an inch, except by prayer. And just as Jesus Himself claimed that He was unable to do many miracles in His hometown, due to unbelief, we are praying specifically against our unbelief here in Hungary. And the most amazing thing is, that our wonderful God is answering! Each week as we see our prayers answered, our faith is growing. And as God grows our faith, more prayers are answered! Praise God that He is working, stirring up His people, giving us a burden to pray, and to believe Him in this place!  If you feel that God is enlisting you into this particular battle, please do let me know! We would be honoured to have you kneeling alongside us each day!

The very picture of Health!

 I am writing this letter with a heart of joy! This morning we took Lili to see the kidney specialist yet again, but this time it was for her very last check-up! It’s been a year since her kidney infection, and every month since we have visited the doctor, after painstakingly collecting a urine sample from a little girl still in diapers! For a year Lili was not supposed to go swimming, or to have a bath with her brother. Today she got the all clear! The doctor told me that her kidneys look absolutely normal, and that while kidney problems can recur, most often it will happen within the first year, so Lili will not likely have any further problems! What an awesome God we serve! Recently He challenged me with the thought that we so often steal His glory when He does something miraculous! It may be tempting to think that this is simply what happens to any little girl who has a kidney infection and receives good medical care. However, I have resolved not to give credit to anyone else for what He alone has done! And I am convinced that God Himself has healed our little Lili! He may have chosen to do it through the medical system, but that does not change the fact that only God Himself can truly heal us. And I for one want more than ever to give Him the glory!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Praise God she's well!

I just got back from the hospital visiting my mom and she's well, she's jolly, she's still in bed, but probably tomorrow she will be able to get up! She asked me to thank everyone for praying for her, she's so happy to be through with it! She says her doctors and the nurses are really great, they are very caring and kind. She has a long cut going all the way to her armpit because the doctor removed all the lymph nodes he could find, so that part hurts her quite a bit but she knows it's to prevent the cancer from coming back.
Thank you again for praying God was faithful again and showed his great love to us!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


This one is just a quick note and a prayer request: my mom (Norbi's mom Maria that is) is getting her operation done on Monday. She was diagnosed with breast cancer about 8 months ago so she went through the chemotherapy phase - and she was perfectly well throughout the whole thing, and now they are preparing to remove whatever is still left in her. Every prayer you lift up would be greatly appreciated! She is coming to Budapest on Sunday and her operation is on Monday in the morning. Unfortunately we can’t even meet her before the operation because she really has to be careful not to get sick or catch a cold and our family is down with a pretty bad case of flu. I will let you know how the operation went as soon as we find out.