Monday, November 29, 2010

Praise God she's well!

I just got back from the hospital visiting my mom and she's well, she's jolly, she's still in bed, but probably tomorrow she will be able to get up! She asked me to thank everyone for praying for her, she's so happy to be through with it! She says her doctors and the nurses are really great, they are very caring and kind. She has a long cut going all the way to her armpit because the doctor removed all the lymph nodes he could find, so that part hurts her quite a bit but she knows it's to prevent the cancer from coming back.
Thank you again for praying God was faithful again and showed his great love to us!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


This one is just a quick note and a prayer request: my mom (Norbi's mom Maria that is) is getting her operation done on Monday. She was diagnosed with breast cancer about 8 months ago so she went through the chemotherapy phase - and she was perfectly well throughout the whole thing, and now they are preparing to remove whatever is still left in her. Every prayer you lift up would be greatly appreciated! She is coming to Budapest on Sunday and her operation is on Monday in the morning. Unfortunately we can’t even meet her before the operation because she really has to be careful not to get sick or catch a cold and our family is down with a pretty bad case of flu. I will let you know how the operation went as soon as we find out.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Work, Work and Bible studies

Budapest Police HQ main building

Just recently two of my bosses were fired out of the three - the head of the department and his deputy. They briefed us in the morning and gave out jobs for us to be done by the time they were back from the HQ. When they came back they called the whole staff together and announced that the supreme court found one of their actions during the Budapest riots unconstitutional so they were immediately relieved from their duties and we should be expecting the new leadership to arrive momentarily. This was very uncomfortable situation for them and for the staff as well because in most cases a new boss would bring their own trusted staff with him. As the new boss didn't arrive for 3 more days, tension and rumours grew among us... the uncertainty was unbearable.
This hard time really made me think about a lot of things. How things we take for granted can disappear in virtually minutes, and when they do we find out how much we actually relied on them. A company can go bankrupt in an hour due to an accident, a leader can be fired in a minute, one can lose their life in a second. What is out there that is certain, that will not change, that I can hold onto? I was on my bike on the way home going through the park when I was thinking about this, and all of a sudden I just had to smile, stop and get off. Of course. It's God. He will never change. He won't be fired. He won't have and accident. Him I can hold on to, an anchor for my soul. In the following days I had more than a few people asking me how I can be so calm when everyone is distressed. This is how, by holding onto the 'Right Stuff'.

The first 5 of the batch. 14 more to go!

Another work-story to share - skipping ahead 1 month in time to... this week. I got a huge job from the new boss. Had to fix 5 mini computers in a day that never worked and it was extremely important the they were done in time. Riding to work - on the bike again - I remember asking God: 'I know it's a bit specific but you think you could help me configure the APN and program the Active Directory for remote authentication?' I had to smile at my own request but guess what. He did help. I was able to fix the 5 that day and by Wednesday our team - God and I that is - fixed a total of 19 computers, and a bunch of those were brought here from other police units because no one else knew how to get them to work. So yeah God knows about computers alright.

Now for a praise and a prayer request: at church we started a Bible study about a month ago - and it's been fantastic! It's a small group of 5 people, but the conversations are exponentially deep, and several of them have said at the end of some studies that 'This was the best Bible study I've ever been to' - Praise God for that! We are just done with Galatians and getting into Ephesians and looking forward to another great study. And this is the request part: I have talked to several other people at church and some that used to come to church but they don't any more, and they all said that having heard about it would like to join us. I talked to Sanyi (the pastor) and we decided to start up new groups instead of expanding the existing one. Right now the current study is at church before the service, and we're planning on starting one at our house for college guys on Friday before the Long's Youth Group, and another one on Wednesday for adults and possibly a third one for younger people if there is interest for that. So far we have some 'Yes' and a few 'Maybe' people and we would like to ask you to pray for us as we are starting these groups that people would have a hunger for God's word, that we would have wisdom leading / facilitating the studies and that everyone would be faithful in coming and we would grow in depth knowing God and His will for us. This is a big project we are getting into but we are confident in God's leading but also a little unsure about some details. According to our plans I will be leading Sunday's and Friday's studies, and Sanyi will be leading Wednesday's and the young guys' group.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Who will stand in the gap?

The village of Kolontár flooded with toxic waste

You may have heard about the dam that cracked, releasing tons of toxic red mud into Hungarian villages and waterways recently. The mud is a bi-product of aluminum production and has been building up in a reservoir for some time now.  When the dam broke, it flooded the homes, fields and rivers in the area with its toxins, killing nine people, all of the fish and other life in the nearby rivers, and polluting the land for many years to come. 

Man dumping the mud from his house

People were evacuated from their homes. Workers started immediately building a newer and stronger dam to hold back the remaining mud before it too is released. Police and military were mobilized to begin efforts to clean up the enormous mess.The aluminum plant at fault was seized by the Hungarian government. Help is pouring in. People are standing in the gap to help those who have lost so much.

Yet many Hungarians are perishing still. Their spirits have been polluted, and they are living just downstream from a broken dam that is continually leaking toxins into their hearts. They have been displaced from their spiritual homes, and may never be able to see the heavenly dwellings that they were created for. Won’t you stand in the gap with us for these people and for this land. We believe that it is only through the humble prayers of God’s people that the land will be healed. We are praying for God to raise up an army of prayer warriors who would be willing to do battle for God’s work in Hungary on a daily basis. If you feel God sharing His burden for Hungary with you, please let us know. If you are willing to saturate this country in prayer, please let us know. God is putting together His army. Is He calling you into battle?

'And (if) My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.’ 2 Chron 7:14

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You thought the World Cup was a big thing? Check this out!

As we are getting closer to the finals of the 2010 FIFA World Cup and the tension is increasing, there is something even more grand coming along the way: it's the 2010 Summer English Camps!

Although our motto says: 'Do you have a SEC? Because we do!' english camps take more than a second to plan, organize, and hold. It's roughly 6 months of intense work: finding a place, writing contracts, assembling the curriculum, advertising, recruiting staff, training at the orientation, and leading the camp. The staff is made up of the OMS Hungary team, missionaries and ECC workers, and also members of the church plant, friends and former students. Now the prep work is mostly done, and everyone is getting ready for Orientation on July 8th, and for Camp to start July 11th and 12th.

Please pray that in this intense - and tense - time would bring our team even closer and not pull it apart; that God would provide divine wisdom for the leaders and make their leading gentle and firm, and that God would bring all the students that need to hear about Him and about how much He loves them!

We will keep you updated as Camp goes along! In the meantime check out the galleries of former camps on the new SEC - Summer English Camp site!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Elections and Church Building

Hungary held elections in April, and the conservative party won 68% percent of the seats. It is about to pass sweeping reforms, like a 16% flat tax and a 15% cut in all government employees’ wages.
In a speech to the Hungarian Parliament last week, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave his reasons for a flat tax:

In eight years, the Hungarian national debt went up from 53 percent to nearly 80 percent [of GDP]. This is an assault not only against contemporary Hungarians, but against future generations too...we need a ... work friendly tax system… so simple that a person with only eight grades of primary education could understand the rules.

The Hungarian PM called for a temporary “full stop on telephone, furniture and vehicle purchase and replacement in the public sector.”
And he spoke against stifling bureaucracy:

It is not only tax cuts we need, but we must also start to cut red tape that is paralysing the economy in Hungary… the authorities should not rule, but should serve people -- should not set up barriers, but demolish them…


Also what I know from work is that ever since FIDESZ (the name of the conservative party) is in power the nationalist that have been demonstrating on the streets got absolutely no publicity in any media. This is rapidly draining their popularity and thus their activity as well.

Please keep praying that this country would be free, and that the leaders would obey God’s law of love.

Also we have been looking at new facilities for our church, since the office-apartment where we have been having our services will not be available as of October, and hopefully with God’s leading we may have found a building that would be perfect for us! Location is great, it’s cheap (relatively) aaaand it needs a lot of work. Our regional field leader is here at the moment and they are going to look at it to see if it’s something worth investing into.

Please pray that we would be able to make the right decision on this!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 2010 Prayer Letter

When we were back in Canada for the holidays at one point God grabbed my chin, turned my face to Him and told me to ask Him what I should be praying for. When I did He showed me three things.

Pray that the enemy’s hold over the country would be broken.

Pray that there would be unity in the church.

Pray that God would raise up leaders after His own heart.

Now we would like to invite you to join us in this epic spiritual battle for the country, so that the dark reign would feign, the church of God would shine, and God would be glorified.

Hungarians are originally a nomadic people, who used to live rough lives way back in the Ural mountains (the large mountains between Europe and Asia). As their numbers grew they were forced to move from one place to the other to provide enough pasture for the cattle they were raising. The seven tribes moved west, making friends and enemies, fighting and running away until they arrived at the Carpathian Basin in the center of Europe, where they found the best land they had ever seen and decided to settle down. According to tradition two of the sons of the leaders chased a golden deer on a hunt for weeks and it led them to this land. After settling down they were raiding the surrounding countries, terrorizing, plundering and pillaging as they pleased with a fighting technique that was unknown to the western world. A hundred years later the leader of the tribes realized that things could not go on like this for long… their neighbors would soon make an alliance and wipe the Hungarians from the land. They decided to unite the tribes, make peace, declare Christianity as our religion, leave the old ways behind and have a new beginning. Now Hungarians were shamanistic people and it didn’t go over well with the shamans to place the people in a new god’s hand. They rose up against the decision and were all sentenced to be slain by the newly crowned king’s decree. Legend says it was at this point that the chief shaman placed a curse on the Hungarians just before he was killed: a curse of depression, disunity and historic catastrophes.

Have you been to Hungary? Have you seen the faces? Have you heard news, or read part of our history? Have you traveled here, and just sensed an immense load weigh down on your mind that was lifted almost instantly as you left the country? Not sure if the legend of the curse is true, or how much of it is, but the effect you cannot deny. There is something over here that is not letting us breathe.

Pray that the enemy’s hold over the country would be broken. (Daniel 10:12) – If the enemy got out, things would instantly change. Lives would change and the church would change. The country would change and the air would change. And I mean in weeks, maybe days. He is the problem, and he needs to go. The curse was placed 1100 years ago… it’s high time to end it.

Pray that there would be unity in the church. (John 17:22) – The world will know that God is with us because we love each other – in a land plagued with disunity it is the hardest of all things to accomplish and the most beautiful thing ever imaginable that can shine through any darkness. The church needs to be one to stand up against the spiritual forces and provide shelter to each other and to those who grow weary in battle.

Pray that God would raise up leaders after His own heart. (1 Timothy 3:1-13) – God is our leader, He is our King. And He wants to have servants to minister to His people, to lift them up when they are broken, to feed them when they are faint, to treat their wounds and to encourage them to keep going. He wants servants to point to God, who humble themselves and lift up His people in prayer. We need those servants so badly.

Please join us in prayer, as we go up against spiritual forces and authorities to free this country and these people from the lies, the deception and shackles of this merciless tyrant who’s been ruler here for too long, and bring the just reign of God to everyone. We are asking you to once a day pray for these three things, and fortify our battle.

We have lots of gracious friends who support us, but we are also asking all of our fellow missionaries here to ask their supporting friends the same thing. We are asking partnering churches to join us. We are asking former short term workers to join us who have been here and seen and felt this land. We are asking everyone we know. So far it looks like we are talking about an army of a thousand saints pleading to God to break through the clouds, to heal the land and to free and revive us.

Join us. We understand what we are asking for, that the enemy is not going to like this and a price will have to be paid for everything – for us and for you as well praying friend. But isn’t this what we are here for? To fight and to bring glory to His name.

Looking forward to see you on the field of battle,

Monday, April 26, 2010

God and Babies

I just received the most wonderful gift from God! You know how it is, when you do something that God asks you to do, sometimes even hesitantly, and He just blesses your socks off through the doing? You expect to minister to someone, and you end up receiving the greatest joy from the ministry yourself? That is exactly what God has done with the Baba-Mama club. I just got home from a wonderful morning spent with 5 other mommies, their adorable babies, and the Creator of the whole motley bunch of us! And He was on a roll this morning too! I guess He just hates to quit, when he gets a group of ladies together who sincerely want to hear what He has to say! He was fantastic! We have been spending the first part of our mornings together just chatting and playing with the babies, then reading a portion from the Bible together and discussing what God is saying to us through it, and finally, praying for one another.
Today, however, my friend Ági, who has been helping me arrange things for the group, suggested that it might be nice to go out to the park and enjoy the beautiful spring weather together. Since we would not be able to talk and pray very well, with 5 babies in tow at the park, we decided to skip the chit-chat, get right into the Bible and discussion, and finish our praying in time to go out to the park for a short walk. However, after reading about Abram and the Promised Land, then about the ultimate Promised Land described at the end of Revelation, Ági and the others were not ready to stop. When I asked them if we should stop and pray so that we could still have a short walk, Ági jumped right in and asked if we couldn’t talk some more instead, because it was so very interesting!
I came home with a heart full… full of wonder at our wonderful God… full of love for this little group of mommies and babies who are so open to hearing from their God, even if they don’t yet know Him as such!
Thank you SO much for being part of God’s outreach to these mommies and babies, way over on the other side of the globe. You can’t imagine the difference that your prayers are making. Please keep praying! These mommies and babies are hungry to know this wonderful God and to someday experience His incredible Promised Land! Pray that they would have the courage and faith of Abram, to step out into the unknown, following God wherever He leads, and bringing their whole families along with them!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sunday School

Funny how God matches people with jobs, sometimes I am truly amazed how the most unlikely combination works out for the best. We have seen ex-drug dealers preaching, ex-witchdoctors write christian books or ex-satan worshipers sing about the goodness of the Lord.

Anyone who knows me a bit would not generally give a description of a gentle sensitive caring guy, and yet it seems God thought it would be a good idea for me to lead the Sunday School at church. First I was just noticing that we weren't really taking care of the kids mostly were just making sure there was no blood in the room by the end of the service. So I took up the job and it's been a real blessing - quite frankly  - to all, the kids like to be entertained, the parents are pleased that they get a bit of biblical teaching, the rest of the adults can participate in the service and I am probably having the most fun I ever had with them!

Last time we did a little puppet show for Palm Sunday, we were having such a good time the kids stayed even after the service to make a little video of it. You'll see we didn't quite finish the background and everything but oh well, maybe for Easter. So here is a little preview of what's going on there:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


 Gigantic step in the life of our Church: the very first Baptism at our place, with our pastor, with our brothers and sisters! Thank You God that in your mercy you made this possible and have blessed us so we could witness the Ceremony of Engagement between you and these three young people!

 Eszti, Dávid have been coming to our church last year, came to English Camp and continued to grow in their walk with Christ to the point of a public confession of their faith.

Saci has been a part of our congregation for long years now, working and serving with us but never had a chance to actually be baptized, and now she was so happy to finally make this commitment!

The whole church prayed for the newly baptized led by the pastor, the elders and leaders of the church.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Baptism Service!

Just a quick note: this coming up Sunday we will have our Baptism Service (Feb. 21.), please pray that everything would go according to God's plan and it would be a truly blessed and encouraging time for the whole church!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hello praying friend!

This is a quick update, to let you know how God has answered your prayers recently!

Lili is gradually getting better... She has now gone several days without vomitting, and her bouts of diarrhea are getting fewer and farther between! YEAH GOD!!! Her appetite has picked up since last night, when she was up several times in the night wanting a bottle! We are SO thankful that our little girl is getting back to her happy self! THANK YOU for praying!!!

The washing machine is nowhere in sight yet, but we are told that we should have a working machine by Wednesday! Again YEAH GOD! Our used German washing machine broke down so many times that the repairman (who we also bought the machine from) had to admit that the machine was no good. He agreed to replace it, but he was going to have to make another trip to Germany for used machines. This weekend while he was there, there was so much snow that he's been unable to make it back to Hungary! We have a small mountain of laundry after 2 weeks with a sick baby! However, our missionary friends up the road have been wonderful, and every time we've had something that couldn't wait, we've taken a load up to their house by bus. Yeah God that He doesn't leave us alone in our times of need!!!! :)

The Baba Mama club has been postponed for a couple of weeks due to Lili's 'rotavirus', but God has been working in this too. Together with my friend Ági, we have been contacting more people about coming, and it seems that if we move it to Mondays, we have at least 3 or 4 more moms who can possibly come, including our neighbour, so again, YEAH GOD!!!! He is such an awesome God, and does indeed work everything together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose! Please continue to pray for us, as we plan to meet again next Monday. Pray especially for health for the babies, so everyone will be able to come! Hungarian moms are very cautious about exposing their young ones to germs (and often don't leave the house with a newborn for several weeks or months), so health is an especially important issue!

Most wonderfully, I want to thank you for praying against the enemy's temptation to be discouraged. I have felt such a difference in the past week in my inner spirit, that I can't even explain it. I feel like the energy and joy that the enemy had stolen has been restored, and oh, how wonderful it is! God has shown me through times like this what He means by, "The joy of the Lord is my strength" Things that can make you feel defeated one day, no longer have that power when you are filled with God's joy! His joy makes it easy to believe Him for just about everything! And what a tremendous gift that is!!! Especially in Hungary, where depression and discouragement are commonplace.

Thank you again and again for the wonderful gift of your time and energy spent in prayer! Only God knows fully how you have affected our lives and the lives of many other Hungarians through your faithfulness! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

In Jesus,

kelley, for norbi, sam and lili too

Monday, February 1, 2010

THANK YOU for praying!

This morning Lili is doing a little better, and has not thrown up yet today! Yeah God!!! She has managed to keep down some formula and even some cereal, and has been more alert and active than the past few days, so that's GREAT!

I think Norbi, Sam and I are back to full health, so that's wonderful too! (I didn't mention that Norbi and I had also been sick!)

The latest interesting part of our saga was this morning when Lili was asleep and Sam and I started to hear water dripping and then pouring into our apartment from the air conditioner unit mounted above the door into the bedroom. We dragged out 2 buckets to try to catch the flow, and then spread some of our laundry pile across the doorway to catch the rest of the spray (see, that broken washing machine came in handy, leaving us a mountain of laundry to use at will!). After calling Norbi and the air conditioning repairman, and trying to calm Lili a little bit, who had been woken up from all the commotion, I headed out into the snow and pulled out the little AC drain pipe from the larger house drain pipe. It had been attached at about chest height, and when I yanked it out, the pressure was released in full force just like a small scale fire hose! I was soaked from my arms, down my pants, and onto my feet! Well, the problem was solved, and even I had to laugh at this little adventure!  When I called Norbi to report what had happened, he laughed too, and we knew that your prayers against the enemy's discouragement had been answered! Yesterday morning I think I would have cried, but today I practically enjoyed the humour of the situation!

Thank you SO much again and again for praying for us!

And as for the Mama Baba club, it looks like we may not be able to meet tomorrow, but if we change the club to another day later in the week, a couple more moms that we heard from say that they can come too. So again, Yeah God! Isn't He GREAT???!!!

Thank you again and again for lifting us up before Him!!!! I have to admit, I hesitated to ask for prayer, feeling that our problems are so much smaller than so many around the world at this time (Haiti, of course, comes to mind). However, it seemed that God would not let me go until I did... Evidently He wanted YOU to be involved in our Hungarian happenings too! And for that I am so thankful! Praise Him!

With tremendous gratitude, in Jesus,

kelley, for norbi, sam and little lili too

Hello prayer warrior!

We are calling on you once again to stand in the gap for us!
The day after the Mama Baba club began last week, Sam was sick with diarrhea. The next day Lili began to have a fever and throw up too. She just now threw up for the eighth time since then, and continues to have diarrhea and a fever on and off as well. We have struggled to get her to drink or eat anything, and have mainly been concerned with keeping her adequately hydrated. We have gone back and forth with the doctor about taking her to the hospital, but so far she has been able to stay home with us. Each time when we think she seems to be getting better she seems to take another step back. While we hope that we are past the worst now, please do uphold us and our little Lili in prayer.
With a sick Lili, I will also be unable to go to the Mama Baba club this week, which was to be our first 'regular' meeting.
As an aside, our washing machine also broke more than a week ago, and the repairman will not be able to get us a working machine for another week he says. With a sick baby, this adds another dimension to the problem! We have begun taking loads of laundry up to a friend's house by bus, and returning an hour later to bring them home and hang them up to dry.
Please do pray for us, and especially for God to uphold us from the enemy's attacks and temptations to discourage us!
Thank you thank you thank you for joining in the battle with us!
With much gratitude in Jesus,
kelley, for norbi, sam and little lili too

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baba Mama Club Kick Off!

Now that we're back in Hungary, and over the jet lag (again, THANK YOU for praying!), we've been able to get back into our routines a little bit. Just this morning we had our very first Baba Mama Club meeting at the church! Those of you who talked with us at home likely heard all about it already, but for those of you who didn't, the Baba Mama Club is God's most recent idea that He's gotten me excited about! Today's group was much likea dress rehearsal, as just a few of us were able to make it, and we were hoping to find out what kind of things we had forgotten, or need to be better arranged for the next time. There were just 3 moms and babies present, as well as another missionary lady who is helping us, and we had such a lovely time together chatting and praying for each other and the babies. What was most encouraging for me was the divine appointment that God arranged for me just as I was leaving the church after the club. I ran into the lady who lives in the flat next to the church, who was just coming home with her baby. I have met and talked with her before, and wanted to invite her to our group, but had not run into her recently. Well, today, she immediately ran up to me and said something like this... "Oh! Today was the baba mama club, wasn't it?! OH! I saw the sign on your window, and I REALLY wanted to go, but Tuesdays I can't come because I take my kids to swimming lessons. I was SO happy when I saw the sign, and thought that it was so perfect because it's right here, and because I would SO like to meet some other moms. I would LOVE to come!" Well, needless to say, I told her that we would see if we could change the day, and she immediately made me promise to tell her if we did! God could hardly have been more encouraging! What an incredibly sweet blessing He gave me at that moment! What an incredibly kind God we serve!

Please do continue to pray with us as we endeavor to follow God's leading with this little group of moms and babies! Please pray for Évi, who joined us today, but does not appear to know Jesus just yet! Pray also for our neighbour and her baby, and that we would be able to find a time to meet that would suit her too! Pray for my friend Erika and her baby, Patrik, who is currently getting over a case of the chicken pox. Erika has grown much closer to God over the past few years, but does not seem to know Jesus personally yet. And finally, please pray for those of us who are attempting to lead this little group... pray that we would have one mind and heart... that of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Pray that He would fill us with His supernatural love for these mommies and their little treasures, and that Jesus would shine His light right through us and into their hearts.

Thank you again and again SO much for being part of this ministry with us. We are humbled by your faithfulness.
With grateful hearts,
Kelley, for Norbi, Sam and Lili too

Thursday, January 14, 2010

OMS name change!

In early January 2010, OMS launched a new name, tagline, logo and mission statement. These changes were designed to help One Mission Society better communicate what it has stood for since its inception in 1901 as The Oriental Missionary Society.
One Mission Society’s sole reason for existence as a mission organization remains steadfast―to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread throughout the world and to see God glorified in all that is said and done. This is the command of the Great Commission. This is their “One Mission.”
God has blessed OMS by using it as a tool in His hands for more than 100 years. Today, One Mission Society is seeing, on average, one person come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ every two minutes. In recent years, thousands of new churches have been planted and tens of thousands of people are actively participating in discipleship programs.
These are historic times to be involved in missions. As never before in the history of the Church, One Mission Society is poised to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Make no mistake; the task is huge. OMS recognizes that it is only a small part of the body of Christ and that it joins with many other individuals, churches and like-minded Great Commission organizations called and equipped together for One Mission, God’s mission. This is the unity in mission to which all Christians are called in Ephesians, chapter 4 by our one God and Father of all.
One Mission Society currently works in 50 countries. It was founded on the principle that the most effective way to share Christ is by training a nation’s people to lead and multiply their churches. That principle still fully applies today and is the basis of their dynamic four-fold focus: intentional evangelism, church planting, training leaders and strategic partnerships.
OMS currently has six international offices from which missionaries are recruited and sent out: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the Untied States. Today, One Mission Society has 430 missionaries and is a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
Here is One Mission Society’s new mission statement:

By God’s grace, One Mission Society unites, inspires and equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Back in Business

We’re back at home in Hungary now, still slightly jetlagged (there’s a 6 hour time change), tired but happy to see our little apartment. The trip back was very long but God was with us all along. Thank you for praying! The children did a very good job... Sam even slept for 6 hours on the first flight! Unfortunately that flight arrived in Munich about 45 minutes late, so we were going to miss our connection. We only had an hour to catch the plane, but when we got there we found out that the second flight was delayed too... 50 minutes so we easily made it! Also we had 8 checked suitcases, mostly full of clothes, toys, books and treats for the children that we got from family and friends (again, Thank you!), that we had no idea how we would be able to carry out of the airport. But what do you know – there was a man standing right at the baggage reclaim roundabout and when he saw all our stuff asked if he could help us and even went and got a huge cart for us! We really felt God taking care of us this whole trip and showing that He really cares about us. So back at home Sam is already busy riding his bike, building, racing and playing and Lili is excitedly discovering this ‘new’ place. We were gone so long she was barely crawling when we left and now she’s almost walking! We are so glad that we were able to see so many of you that pray, love and support us and felt privileged to be able to share what God is doing is this country. One opportunity for sharing was at an MFM meeting in Fergus, so for those of you who weren’t able to meet us, here is the video that Kelley's dad, Beatty, recorded that evening:

Video link coming soon...