Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baba Mama Club Kick Off!

Now that we're back in Hungary, and over the jet lag (again, THANK YOU for praying!), we've been able to get back into our routines a little bit. Just this morning we had our very first Baba Mama Club meeting at the church! Those of you who talked with us at home likely heard all about it already, but for those of you who didn't, the Baba Mama Club is God's most recent idea that He's gotten me excited about! Today's group was much likea dress rehearsal, as just a few of us were able to make it, and we were hoping to find out what kind of things we had forgotten, or need to be better arranged for the next time. There were just 3 moms and babies present, as well as another missionary lady who is helping us, and we had such a lovely time together chatting and praying for each other and the babies. What was most encouraging for me was the divine appointment that God arranged for me just as I was leaving the church after the club. I ran into the lady who lives in the flat next to the church, who was just coming home with her baby. I have met and talked with her before, and wanted to invite her to our group, but had not run into her recently. Well, today, she immediately ran up to me and said something like this... "Oh! Today was the baba mama club, wasn't it?! OH! I saw the sign on your window, and I REALLY wanted to go, but Tuesdays I can't come because I take my kids to swimming lessons. I was SO happy when I saw the sign, and thought that it was so perfect because it's right here, and because I would SO like to meet some other moms. I would LOVE to come!" Well, needless to say, I told her that we would see if we could change the day, and she immediately made me promise to tell her if we did! God could hardly have been more encouraging! What an incredibly sweet blessing He gave me at that moment! What an incredibly kind God we serve!

Please do continue to pray with us as we endeavor to follow God's leading with this little group of moms and babies! Please pray for Évi, who joined us today, but does not appear to know Jesus just yet! Pray also for our neighbour and her baby, and that we would be able to find a time to meet that would suit her too! Pray for my friend Erika and her baby, Patrik, who is currently getting over a case of the chicken pox. Erika has grown much closer to God over the past few years, but does not seem to know Jesus personally yet. And finally, please pray for those of us who are attempting to lead this little group... pray that we would have one mind and heart... that of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Pray that He would fill us with His supernatural love for these mommies and their little treasures, and that Jesus would shine His light right through us and into their hearts.

Thank you again and again SO much for being part of this ministry with us. We are humbled by your faithfulness.
With grateful hearts,
Kelley, for Norbi, Sam and Lili too

Thursday, January 14, 2010

OMS name change!

In early January 2010, OMS launched a new name, tagline, logo and mission statement. These changes were designed to help One Mission Society better communicate what it has stood for since its inception in 1901 as The Oriental Missionary Society.
One Mission Society’s sole reason for existence as a mission organization remains steadfast―to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread throughout the world and to see God glorified in all that is said and done. This is the command of the Great Commission. This is their “One Mission.”
God has blessed OMS by using it as a tool in His hands for more than 100 years. Today, One Mission Society is seeing, on average, one person come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ every two minutes. In recent years, thousands of new churches have been planted and tens of thousands of people are actively participating in discipleship programs.
These are historic times to be involved in missions. As never before in the history of the Church, One Mission Society is poised to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Make no mistake; the task is huge. OMS recognizes that it is only a small part of the body of Christ and that it joins with many other individuals, churches and like-minded Great Commission organizations called and equipped together for One Mission, God’s mission. This is the unity in mission to which all Christians are called in Ephesians, chapter 4 by our one God and Father of all.
One Mission Society currently works in 50 countries. It was founded on the principle that the most effective way to share Christ is by training a nation’s people to lead and multiply their churches. That principle still fully applies today and is the basis of their dynamic four-fold focus: intentional evangelism, church planting, training leaders and strategic partnerships.
OMS currently has six international offices from which missionaries are recruited and sent out: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the Untied States. Today, One Mission Society has 430 missionaries and is a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
Here is One Mission Society’s new mission statement:

By God’s grace, One Mission Society unites, inspires and equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Back in Business

We’re back at home in Hungary now, still slightly jetlagged (there’s a 6 hour time change), tired but happy to see our little apartment. The trip back was very long but God was with us all along. Thank you for praying! The children did a very good job... Sam even slept for 6 hours on the first flight! Unfortunately that flight arrived in Munich about 45 minutes late, so we were going to miss our connection. We only had an hour to catch the plane, but when we got there we found out that the second flight was delayed too... 50 minutes so we easily made it! Also we had 8 checked suitcases, mostly full of clothes, toys, books and treats for the children that we got from family and friends (again, Thank you!), that we had no idea how we would be able to carry out of the airport. But what do you know – there was a man standing right at the baggage reclaim roundabout and when he saw all our stuff asked if he could help us and even went and got a huge cart for us! We really felt God taking care of us this whole trip and showing that He really cares about us. So back at home Sam is already busy riding his bike, building, racing and playing and Lili is excitedly discovering this ‘new’ place. We were gone so long she was barely crawling when we left and now she’s almost walking! We are so glad that we were able to see so many of you that pray, love and support us and felt privileged to be able to share what God is doing is this country. One opportunity for sharing was at an MFM meeting in Fergus, so for those of you who weren’t able to meet us, here is the video that Kelley's dad, Beatty, recorded that evening:

Video link coming soon...