Wednesday, February 24, 2010


 Gigantic step in the life of our Church: the very first Baptism at our place, with our pastor, with our brothers and sisters! Thank You God that in your mercy you made this possible and have blessed us so we could witness the Ceremony of Engagement between you and these three young people!

 Eszti, Dávid have been coming to our church last year, came to English Camp and continued to grow in their walk with Christ to the point of a public confession of their faith.

Saci has been a part of our congregation for long years now, working and serving with us but never had a chance to actually be baptized, and now she was so happy to finally make this commitment!

The whole church prayed for the newly baptized led by the pastor, the elders and leaders of the church.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Baptism Service!

Just a quick note: this coming up Sunday we will have our Baptism Service (Feb. 21.), please pray that everything would go according to God's plan and it would be a truly blessed and encouraging time for the whole church!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hello praying friend!

This is a quick update, to let you know how God has answered your prayers recently!

Lili is gradually getting better... She has now gone several days without vomitting, and her bouts of diarrhea are getting fewer and farther between! YEAH GOD!!! Her appetite has picked up since last night, when she was up several times in the night wanting a bottle! We are SO thankful that our little girl is getting back to her happy self! THANK YOU for praying!!!

The washing machine is nowhere in sight yet, but we are told that we should have a working machine by Wednesday! Again YEAH GOD! Our used German washing machine broke down so many times that the repairman (who we also bought the machine from) had to admit that the machine was no good. He agreed to replace it, but he was going to have to make another trip to Germany for used machines. This weekend while he was there, there was so much snow that he's been unable to make it back to Hungary! We have a small mountain of laundry after 2 weeks with a sick baby! However, our missionary friends up the road have been wonderful, and every time we've had something that couldn't wait, we've taken a load up to their house by bus. Yeah God that He doesn't leave us alone in our times of need!!!! :)

The Baba Mama club has been postponed for a couple of weeks due to Lili's 'rotavirus', but God has been working in this too. Together with my friend Ági, we have been contacting more people about coming, and it seems that if we move it to Mondays, we have at least 3 or 4 more moms who can possibly come, including our neighbour, so again, YEAH GOD!!!! He is such an awesome God, and does indeed work everything together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose! Please continue to pray for us, as we plan to meet again next Monday. Pray especially for health for the babies, so everyone will be able to come! Hungarian moms are very cautious about exposing their young ones to germs (and often don't leave the house with a newborn for several weeks or months), so health is an especially important issue!

Most wonderfully, I want to thank you for praying against the enemy's temptation to be discouraged. I have felt such a difference in the past week in my inner spirit, that I can't even explain it. I feel like the energy and joy that the enemy had stolen has been restored, and oh, how wonderful it is! God has shown me through times like this what He means by, "The joy of the Lord is my strength" Things that can make you feel defeated one day, no longer have that power when you are filled with God's joy! His joy makes it easy to believe Him for just about everything! And what a tremendous gift that is!!! Especially in Hungary, where depression and discouragement are commonplace.

Thank you again and again for the wonderful gift of your time and energy spent in prayer! Only God knows fully how you have affected our lives and the lives of many other Hungarians through your faithfulness! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

In Jesus,

kelley, for norbi, sam and lili too

Monday, February 1, 2010

THANK YOU for praying!

This morning Lili is doing a little better, and has not thrown up yet today! Yeah God!!! She has managed to keep down some formula and even some cereal, and has been more alert and active than the past few days, so that's GREAT!

I think Norbi, Sam and I are back to full health, so that's wonderful too! (I didn't mention that Norbi and I had also been sick!)

The latest interesting part of our saga was this morning when Lili was asleep and Sam and I started to hear water dripping and then pouring into our apartment from the air conditioner unit mounted above the door into the bedroom. We dragged out 2 buckets to try to catch the flow, and then spread some of our laundry pile across the doorway to catch the rest of the spray (see, that broken washing machine came in handy, leaving us a mountain of laundry to use at will!). After calling Norbi and the air conditioning repairman, and trying to calm Lili a little bit, who had been woken up from all the commotion, I headed out into the snow and pulled out the little AC drain pipe from the larger house drain pipe. It had been attached at about chest height, and when I yanked it out, the pressure was released in full force just like a small scale fire hose! I was soaked from my arms, down my pants, and onto my feet! Well, the problem was solved, and even I had to laugh at this little adventure!  When I called Norbi to report what had happened, he laughed too, and we knew that your prayers against the enemy's discouragement had been answered! Yesterday morning I think I would have cried, but today I practically enjoyed the humour of the situation!

Thank you SO much again and again for praying for us!

And as for the Mama Baba club, it looks like we may not be able to meet tomorrow, but if we change the club to another day later in the week, a couple more moms that we heard from say that they can come too. So again, Yeah God! Isn't He GREAT???!!!

Thank you again and again for lifting us up before Him!!!! I have to admit, I hesitated to ask for prayer, feeling that our problems are so much smaller than so many around the world at this time (Haiti, of course, comes to mind). However, it seemed that God would not let me go until I did... Evidently He wanted YOU to be involved in our Hungarian happenings too! And for that I am so thankful! Praise Him!

With tremendous gratitude, in Jesus,

kelley, for norbi, sam and little lili too

Hello prayer warrior!

We are calling on you once again to stand in the gap for us!
The day after the Mama Baba club began last week, Sam was sick with diarrhea. The next day Lili began to have a fever and throw up too. She just now threw up for the eighth time since then, and continues to have diarrhea and a fever on and off as well. We have struggled to get her to drink or eat anything, and have mainly been concerned with keeping her adequately hydrated. We have gone back and forth with the doctor about taking her to the hospital, but so far she has been able to stay home with us. Each time when we think she seems to be getting better she seems to take another step back. While we hope that we are past the worst now, please do uphold us and our little Lili in prayer.
With a sick Lili, I will also be unable to go to the Mama Baba club this week, which was to be our first 'regular' meeting.
As an aside, our washing machine also broke more than a week ago, and the repairman will not be able to get us a working machine for another week he says. With a sick baby, this adds another dimension to the problem! We have begun taking loads of laundry up to a friend's house by bus, and returning an hour later to bring them home and hang them up to dry.
Please do pray for us, and especially for God to uphold us from the enemy's attacks and temptations to discourage us!
Thank you thank you thank you for joining in the battle with us!
With much gratitude in Jesus,
kelley, for norbi, sam and little lili too